Air Fryer Cauliflower

Air Fryer Cauliflower

Air fryer cauliflower

1 Medium head of cauliflower ( 5-6 cups in florets)

2 Tablespoons of olive oil  ( enough to coat the cauliflower lightly)

1 Tablespoon of Italian Seasoning

1 ½ teaspoon of paprika 

1 teaspoon of garlic powder

1 teaspoon of onion powder

Salt and pepper to taste

Parsley or Parmesan cheese to garnish

 And your favorite sauce to dip in.   


Preheat the Air Fryer to 400 degrees according to manufacturer's instructions.

Trim the cauliflower  head by cutting the thick stem and removing the leaves. Cut into bite-sized florets.

In a large bowl or zip lock bag, combine cauliflower, oil, Italian seasoning, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper. Toss to combine, make sure the cauliflower is evenly coated.

Pop the cauliflower in the pre heated air fryer for 7 min shaking the florets half way through to make sure there is even cooking. The cauliflower should be crisp but tender and a slight char but not burnt. ( unless you like it more on the dark side:) 

Sprinkle with parsley or parmesan cheese and enjoy.   If you are a dipping sort of person you can add  your favorite dipping sauce.  

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